Saturday, September 6, 2008

Cuban dogs

OMG, my last post was in July?!?! Wow, how time flies!
well, I held off posting all the pics of the street dogs until now. But I do have to say that Cubans are very nice to the dogs :) and all the street dogs are very friendly. The whole time I was there the only people I saw shoo them away or look at them in disgust were tourists. I overheard one lady (tourist) comment on how revolting it was that I was feeding and touching a mangy mutt. I turned around and asked her how she would like to be treated if she got some disfiguring skin disease, and she shut up and moved on quickly. After she left some young boys came and sat with me and fed the dogs too :) And they never asked me for anything, they only asked about the dogs. So I bought them ice cream.
ok, on with the pics:
this was our "hotel dog." She was a friendly lil girl, adored by all.
hotel dog

this dog was just chillin on a sidewalk with a bun he'd found somewhere.
street dog door

and in my opinion, my best picture (in the photography composition sense) of the whole trip!
Capitolio street dog 1

more dogs sleeping on the stairs of the "Capitolio" building
Capitolio dogs 2

Capitolio dogs 3